The Importance of Teaching Outside

The importance of teaching outside the classroom has proven to raise attainment, bolster social, emotional and personal development, and contributes to the health and well being of students.

Learning Outside has developed a new and versatile approach to teaching outside, by creating and manufacturing a system of learning stations, magnetic panels and tri-boards that enable the teacher to design, develop and deliver their own content.

Learning outside of the classroom on the school grounds should not be seen as a disruptive activity that is infrequent and only for recreational purposes. Learning outside should be considered as an integral part of the classroom activities and used to meet a wide variety of subjects within the curriculum.

There are many benefits of learning outside of the classroom:

  • Makes learning more enjoyable, engaging and memorable,
  • Improves social skills, interactions, teamwork and collaboration,
  • Nurtures creativity and imagination, by bringing the curriculum alive,
  • Creates a positive impact on behaviour and take responsibility,
  • Encourages physical activity and improves general health & well-being.

Make learning outside possible by considering the following;

  • Design an outdoor seating area in the school grounds that is covered by a canopy
  • Work together as a school to produce a generic risk assessment and emergency action plan that all the teachers can use.
  • Support your training needs by working with a member of our Education Team or a nearby school that has experience of taking their students outside of the classroom.