Design your own Content

There are two ways in which you can design your own content, either…

Print off your own work from your computer

… and insert it into one of our clear A3/A4 magnetic frames and use with our magnetic post-its.

Work with our graphic designers

… who will create a bespoke set of panels & magnets to meet the needs of either;

  • your pupils / visitors,
  • your school site / visitor attraction,
  • or a particular aspect of the curriculum or visitor attraction.

Want to get the most out of your site?

Book a site visit and a member of the Education Team can assist with:

  • Completing a site assessment to get the most out of your school grounds / visitor attraction.
  • Facilitating group training to ensure all the staff get the most out of using the equipment.
  • Support with the design of bespoke content for example; assisting with onsite tree, flower or bird identification in order to create a bespoke content, or creating a learning trail that is suitable specifically for your site or educational needs.